Our group works on energy efficient electronics. In particular, our interest is in the fundamental understanding of emerging physics that could lead to electronic devices with unprecedented energy efficiency. To pursue this goal, our work spans from synthesis of new materials to atomistic simulation, conceptualization, and fabrication of nano scale devices.
Recent Publications
Spin Orbit Torque in Ferrimagnetic GdFeCo Roschewsky, N., Matsumura, T., Cheema, S., Hellman, F., Kato, T., Iwata, S., & Salahuddin, S. (2016). Spin-orbit torques in ferrimagnetic GdFeCo alloys. Applied Physics Letters, 109(11), 112403. Flexible electronics with single crystal ferroelectrics Bakaul, Saidur R., Claudy R. Serrao, Oukjae Lee, Zhongyuan Lu, Ajay Yadav, Carlo Carraro, Roya Maboudian, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and Sayeef Salahuddin. “High Speed Epitaxial Perovskite Memory on Flexible Substrates.” Advanced Materials (2017).